Our challenge was to find out how we can support sales partners and B2B customers with digital solutions and thus create new sales impulses?
We actively approached retailers in all regions of the world and asked them about their needs. This allowed us to identify and prioritize the most promising concepts and initiatives. This feedback served as a basis for us to validate a new marketing and sales concept for retailers together with the project team.

We started the design process with the team with inspiring trend research on innovative business models and communication channels.

Three concepts were developed and honed on the basis of interviews. The central hypotheses were formulated and success criteria defined in assumption mapping. Survey data as well as customer and expert interviews created the basis for identifying the best concept. We developed a clickable virtual catalog, which was tested with B2B customers from the most important markets in qualitative interviews. A comprehensive B2B survey, which was rolled out on a global level, rounded off the picture. In the next step, feasible routes were outlined in iterative sessions from a business model perspective. Several initiatives were defined with the management and are now in the pilot phase.
Project overview:
1. trend research
2nd ideation sprint & customer interviews
3. concept sharpening and assumption mapping
4. create clickable prototype for survey and in-depth interviews
5. business modeling
6. analysis & pitch
"With innohack's support, we completed the project at a tremendous pace - thanks to a pragmatic hands-on approach. Thanks to the structured and customer-centric approach, we were able to quickly identify which initiatives really offer added value for our customers."
Josef Strohmeier - Head of Innovation Management at Victorinox