Validating a target group is a crucial step in the development of a product idea. But how do I know that my product will actually be of interest to the target group? In this article, we show you how to find the right target group and what you need to look out for.
What is a target group?
The target group is one of the most legendary tools of marketing. It is usually determined on the basis of personas, which are created out of thin air in dimly lit meeting rooms. Personas, in turn, are invented ideal consumers to whom the product, or rather the advertising, is directed. The intention is good: by identifying a target group, the aim is to make a product more targeted and thus increase the chances of it being successful. But how can we be sure that these predetermined personas actually correspond to consumer behavior?
Social media as a game changer
In the past, in order to validate your target group, you had to resort to panels for which people were cast who corresponded to the previously defined personas. And here you can already see that the snake is biting its own tail. Another problem is, of course only for marketing, that people never correspond to just one target group. They have diverse interests and needs and don't just fancy a crispy, light waffle at half past nine in the morning. This type of demographic targeting now seems outdated. On social media, on the other hand, you can now test your product on the most precise consumer panel of all: all people.
Live testing as a validation method
It's time to illustrate this with a practical example. Let's invent a fictitious chocolate with pineapple, banana, melon, strawberry or kiwi flavor and see which people like it best. But instead of limiting the target group in advance, we leave this to the social media algorithms. AI targeting(more on this here) allows us to reach exactly those people who are most likely to click on the product or advertisement.
((Picture of the evaluation))
From target groups to interests: The key to precise testing
Demographic segmentation methods that focus exclusively on age, gender and the like are no longer sufficient. After all, if you only focus on such imprecise characteristics, Ozzy Osborne and King Charles belong to the same target group. Instead, it is crucial to understand the psychographic aspects of the target group. So if you want to sell bats as a dietary supplement, the advertising should be aimed at Ozzy only.

But back to the chocolate. When the users selected by the algorithm click on the ad, they are asked on what occasion they would enjoy the chocolate and which aspect is the most important for them. Do they focus on the emotional component, are they more interested in the advertised properties such as low sugar or the quality of the ingredients?
Together with the age distribution, a much more precise picture can now be obtained than would be possible with normal panels. Regardless of previously created target groups or personas, you can now see who is really most interested in your product. And this is invaluable for all marketers.
Do you also want to know whether your product concept will meet with real demand? With the test platform, you will receive a clear answer within 2 weeks. You can contact us at any time.