The glorious 8 of online surveys in market research

December 21, 2021
Raphael Mink
Discover the 8 secrets to making your online surveys irresistible and effective!

Imagine you could read the minds of your target group without looking into a crystal ball. Sounds tempting? Fortunately, we don't have to resort to magic - good online surveys work much better! In this article, we reveal the 8 (not always entirely serious) ultimate tips to make your surveys a real success.


Tip 1: Scarcity is the spice of life

A questionnaire is like a first date: you want to be interesting, but not too pushy. Keep the questions clear, short and to the point. Let's be honest, nobody wants an endless monologue of questions. Especially not after 7 pm.


Tip 2: Real incentives

Sure, goodies are cool. But real participation in product development is even cooler. Show your survey participants that their answers carry weight.


Tip 3: Know your data

Of course, data analysis is not a trip to the swimming pool - it's more like a treasure hunt! There are now numerous useful tools that make your work easier and reveal patterns that help you better understand your target group. Our platform is one such tool.


Tip 4: Excitement instead of boredom

Your customers are only human. Treat them accordingly and make your survey so exciting that your friends would fill it out too.


Tip 5: Avoid technical jargon

Do you want to be understood by your target group? Then talk like them! Avoid technical jargon and speak in a language that corresponds to your consumers. Unless you only interview experts - then you can let your hair down.


Tip 6: Pictures help

A few visual stimuli can work wonders. Remember, this is the 21st century and a well-chosen, stylish image can not only attract attention, but also convey content vividly.


Tip 7: Test your survey

Test, test, 1, 2, 3 - time for the dress rehearsal! Before you go live with your survey, test it thoroughly. This will help you find stumbling blocks before your customers stumble over them in the questions.


Tip 8: Mobile version

We live in a world where cell phones are so fast that Lucky Luke would be green with envy. Make sure your survey shines just as brightly on mobile devices as it does on the big screen.


Voila! Now you know all the ins and outs of online surveys. Or not? Feel free to contact us and we'll show you how you can get to know your target group even better with innohack so that your product reaches exactly where it's needed.

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